Everton Hills Medical Centre
Feel free to use our online contact form to send an enquiry
Everton Hills Medical Centre
Shop 5 / 83 Camelia Ave
Everton Hills QLD 4053
Phone: 3355 7343
Fax: 3855 9491
Patient Feedback
We welcome any feedback from our patients. If you have any issues or complaints you wish to discuss, please talk to the practice manager or one of the doctors. If you feel your problem has not been resolved, you may contact the Health Quality Complaints Department on 3120 5997.
Thank you for all of your positive feedback, we are thrilled you are all as happy with our practice as you are.
New patients welcome.
Our Practice now has 1 nurse 5 days a week and an AED machine on sight.
There is a 4Cyte Pathology room located in the same complex as us for your convenience. They are open Monday to Friday, 7:00am to 3:00pm and Satursday 7:00am – 11:00am